trainers + speakers
â–ª We work in the fields of Education and Restorative Justice.
â–ª We foster passion and enthusiasm in training topics.
â–ª We focus on providing exceptional service with competence.
â–ª We customize trainings and speaking engagement to meet the specific needs of your school or group.
â–ª We honor and recognize the Indigenous roots of restorative justice and circle process.
â–ª We offer a vast array of services,
from one-time speaking engagements to multi-year implementation plans.
Overview of Restorative Practices
Length of time:
Varies, 1 hour- 1 day
Restorative Practices (RP) are a set of diverse ideas and approaches used to build healthy communities, improve school climate, repair harm and restore relationships. These practices – Empathetic Listening & Speaking, Restorative Questions, Proactive Circles, Responsive Circles, Restorative Conferencing, and Circles to Repair Harm - range from overarching strategies to specific intervention techniques. Our approach lays out restorative practices in a three-tiered system ranging from universal prevention strategies (Tier I) to intensive, individual interventions (Tier III).
Establishing a Circle Process
Proactive Circle
Length of time:
Varies, 3 hours – 1 day
The Circle is a simple yet carefully constructed communication process based in many Indigenous values that helps foster a caring and respectful classroom culture. The practice of circles is a powerful tool to build empathy and relationships, while giving equal opportunity for all to listen, contribute and practice social emotional skills.
Responsive Circle
Length of time:
Varies, 1-2 days
Responsive Circles follow the same format as Proactive Circles but are geared specifically for situations in which you are “responding to” a situation that has impacted numerous people (e.g., a group of students, a classroom, a team of staff). While Tier III interventions require preparation meetings of the parties involved, Responsive Circles are geared for situation where preparation meetings are not necessary. Part of this session explores how to recognize when a Responsive Circle is appropriate versus utilizing Restorative Conferencing/Circles to Repair Harm. Prior to attending this session, attendees should complete Proactive Circles and be comfortable utilizing the elements of Circle.
Restorative Conferencing
Facilitator Training
Length of time:
2 days
The practice of restorative conferencing is a facilitated conversation to address and repair harm. This practice utilizes three parts in order to restore the learning relationships between participants - pre-meetings to prepare all participants, the face-to-face meeting that results in an agreement reached by consensus, and an agreement completion meeting to assess. Restorative conferences provide a safe and structured space for participants to understand what happened, express how they have been affected and create a written agreement to repair the harm and prevent the incident from happening again.
The Basics of Implicit Bias
Length of time:
2 hour minimum
This session explores the concept of Implicit Bias and the impact it has on people and systems. Attendees will learn and discuss strategies to manage and minimize their own personal biases.
Circles to Repair Harm
Length of time:
1-2 days
Circles to Repair Harm bring together the processes of Responsive Circle and Restorative Conferencing. Circles to Repair Harm are in response to a situation of harm where individual pre-meetings are necessary to ensure safe participation for all parties. Prior to attending this session, attendees should complete Restorative Conference training and be comfortable utilizing the elements of Circle.

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